Irgala Miserere Fotografía

20 de enero de 2014

James Arthur

(Para ver las fotografías haz click sobre ellas)

"Under my skin, beneath my fingertips
You slip and slide away
Let me begin to understand how 

you operate in such a calculated way.
Before today, I didn't know if I'd make it
But now it's all making sense
I wear you like a new tattoo
The design, the desire, I don't wanna remove
You're the kind of thing that I could love forever
I wear it like a new tattoo
And I'll be so happy that I'm stuck with you
And we cannot deface in any weather"

Locura es lo que siento por este hombre xD
como una quinceañera.

Fotografía tomada a 
mediados de Enero de 2014. 

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